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Teaching Math, Grades K-2 - (Video Workshop)
This course shows teachers how to develop effective ways to use the five National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Process Standards to teach mathematics to all students at the K-2 level.

Teaching Math, Grades 3-5 - (Video Workshop)
This course shows teachers how to develop effective ways to use the five National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Process Standards to teach mathematics to all students at the grades 3-5 level.

Teaching Math, Grades 6-8 - (Video Workshop)
This course shows teachers how to develop effective ways to use the five National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Process Standards to teach mathematics to all students at the 6-8 level.

Teaching Math, Grades 9-12 - (Video Workshop)
This course shows teachers how to develop effective ways to use the five National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Process Standards to teach mathematics to all students at the 9-12 level.

Insights into Algebra 1:  Teaching for Learning - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
Explore strategies to improve the way you teach 16 topics found in most Algebra 1 programs.

Assessments in Math and Science:  What's the Point? - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
Participants will examine current assessment issues and explore strategies for assessment reform in their classrooms.

Standards-Based Differentiated Math - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview

You will be required to take a test at the end of the workshop in order to receive your certificate.  The entire program will take you about 2 hours to complete.

Learning Math:  Number and Operations - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
Examines numerous topics that encompass the three main categories in the Number and Operations strand of Principles and Standards of School Mathematics (NCTM).

Learning Math:  Patterns, Functions, and Algebra - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
The course consists of 10 two-and-a-half hour sessions that each include video programming and activities, provided online and in a print guide.

Mathematics:  What's the Big Idea? - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
Supports your efforts to change in three ways: (1) by helping you learn some mathematics yourself in new and exciting ways; (2) by suggesting how you might teach mathematics in new and exciting ways; and (3) by showing you some classrooms that are changing, and letting you watch and talk to the teachers who work in these classrooms.

Mathematics Illuminated - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
This is a 13 part course for high school and college teachers.

Patterns to Symbols:  Algebra - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
You will be required to take a test at the end of the workshop in order to receive your certificate.  The entire program will take you about 2 hours to complete.

Learning Math:  Geometry - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
Explore the properties of geometric figures such as triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons.

Learning Math:  Measurement - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
Explore procedures for measuring and learn about standard units in the metric and customary systems, the relationships among units, and the approximate nature of measurement.

Developing Computational Fluency in Addition & Subtraction - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
You will be required to take a test at the end of the workshop in order to receive your certificate.  The entire program will take you about 2 hours to complete.

The Missing Link - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
Geared for 5th-8th grade math teachers.  You will investigate a series of "hands-on" problems.

Private Universe Project in Mathematics - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
Explores how mathematics teaching can be structured to resonate with children's sophisticated thinking.

Using Technology to Enhance Algebra Instruction - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview 
You will be required to take a test at the end of the workshop in order to receive your certificate.  The entire program will take you about 2 hours to complete.

Early Steps Count: Teaching Arithmetic to Prepare Students for Algebra - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
You will be required to take a test at the end of the workshop in order to receive your certificate.  The entire program will take you about 1 hour to complete.

Measurement & Geometry: Building Conceptual Understanding in Young Children - (Video Workshop) 
Course Overview
You will be required to take a test at the end of the workshop in order to receive your certificate.  The entire program will take you about 2 hours to complete.

Linear Equations: Hands-on Method for Teaching Connections Among Equations, Tables, & Graphs -
(Video Workshop) 
Course Overview
You will be required to take a test at the end of the workshop in order to receive your certificate.  The entire program will take you about 1 hour to complete.

Learning Math:  Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
Build your skills through investigations of different ways to collect and represent data and to analyze and interpret variation in data.


Science & CSI: Weaving Science & Math Into Lessons That Teach Kids to Think - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
You will be required to take a test at the end of the workshop in order to receive your certificate.  The entire program will take you about 2 hours to complete.

Essential Science for Teachers:  Earth and Space Science - (Video Workshop)
Exploring topics that range from soil to the solar system, Essential Science for Teachers: Earth and Space Science provides participants the opportunity to increase their science content knowledge and develop new understandings of how this content connects to K - 6 classrooms.

Essential Science for Teachers:  Life Science  - (Video Workshop)
This course focuses on helping teachers build understandings of fundamental science concepts.

Essential Science for Teachers:  Physical Science - (Video Workshop)
This course provides participants with enhanced understanding of content and how it connects to the elementary school classroom.

Science in Focus:  Energy - (Video Workshop)
This course is for elementary school teachers to provide a solid foundation, enabling you to distinguish between the way "energy" is commonly understood and its meaning in science.

Science in Focus:  Force and Motion - (Video Workshop)
For K-8 teachers presenting science concepts in force and motion.

Science in Focus:  Shedding Light on Science - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
This series uses light as a theme through which to explore topics in physics, chemistry, biology, and Earth and space science.

The Science of Teaching Science - (Video Workshop)
The goal of this series is to provide motivation, encouragement, a variety of models, and support for K-12 teachers who want to explore ways of changing how they teach science.

Got the "H.O.T.S." for Inquiry? - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
You will be required to take a test at the end of the workshop in order to receive your certificate.  The entire program will take you about 2 hours to complete.

Learning Science Through Inquiry - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
This workshop consists of eight sessions.

Private Universe Project in Science - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
Demonstrates how a student's preconceived ideas and beliefs can pose critical barriers to learning science, whether the learning environment is a public school or a prestigious private college.

Reactions in Chemistry - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
The workshop focuses on the "four elements" of chemistry teaching:  Chemistry as a scientific discipline, the art of educational pedagogy, the historical development of chemistry, and up-to-date technological applications.

Rediscovering Biology:  Molecular to Globa Perspectives - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
Teachers will gain a heightened appreciation of ideas they already teach, as well as an increased ability to incorporate new topics into their curriculum.