Principals of Artful Teaching (for High School Teachers) - (Self-paced Video Workshop)
Course Overview-In this program you will see teachers applying the principles of artful teaching in dance, music, theatre, and visual art classes.
Developing Students as Artists (for High School Teachers) - (Self-paced Video Workshop)
Course Overview-Arts teachers help students develop knowledge and fundamental skills while weaving in opportunities for creativity and independence.
The Arts in Every Classroom (for Elementary School Teachers) - (Self-paced Video Workshop)
Course Overview-Provides new ideas about working with the arts for K-5 classroom and arts specialist teachers.
Connecting With the Arts: (for Middle School Teachers) - (Self-paced Video Workshop)
Course Overview-The workshop shows middle school teachers why and how to integrate the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual art) with other subjects (language arts, social studies, science, and math).