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SmartBoard Webinars - Log in on your computer and dial in on the phone to listen and talk
with the instructor while watching your screen.  The schedule of workshops changes weekly and directions for attending a webinar can be found here.
**There are also pre-recorded sessions that you can watch at any time.


Classroom Performance System (CPS) - (Currently in our 3rd & 4th grade classrooms) When you register you will receive an email with instructions for attending the online webinar.  The training list is updated monthly.

Graphing Calculators:

Algebra Using the TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus - (Self-paced)
Course Overview-This course introduces ways of incorporating graphing technology into your algebra lessons to enrich instruction and extend your students' comprehension. Essential algebra topics such as solving equations, transformations, systems of inequalities, proportional reasoning, and factoring are correlated to the NCTM Standards.