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Classroom Strategies

Maximizing Instructional Time Through Positive Behavior Strategies - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
You will be required to take a test at the end of the workshop in order to receive your certificate.  The entire program will take you about 2 hours to complete. 

Use the Relate Think Sheet:  A Cognitive Strategy for Inclusion Classrooms - (Video Workshop)
Course Overview
You will be required to take a test at the end of the workshop in order to receive your certificate.  The entire program will take you about 2 hours to complete. 

Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching & Learning - (Self-paced with video clips)
Course Overview-
Constructivist teachers encourage students to constantly assess how the activity is helping them gain understanding. By questioning themselves and their strategies, students in the constructivist classroom ideally become "expert learners."

Cooperative & Collaborative Learning - (Self-paced with video clips)
Course Overview-
In this session you will focus specifically on how this technique for using small, cooperative
groups in education can help improve learning in your class.

Inquiry Based Learning - (Self-paced with video clips)
Course Overview-
Educators must understand that schools need to go beyond data and information accumulation and move toward the generation of useful and applicable knowledge . . . a process supported by inquiry learning.

The Learning Classroom:  Theory Into Practice - (Self-paced)
Course Overview-
This video-based course is an exploration of learning theory—appropriate for grades K-12 and all subject areas—for the training of preservice teachers and the professional development of inservice teachers.

Looking at Learning. . . Again, Part 1 - (Self-paced)
Course Overview-
Understanding how children learn best is an important step toward improving mathematics and science teaching.  Video based course.

Looking at Learning. . .Again, Part 2 - (Self-paced)
Course Overview-
Through personal interviews, teacher discussions, and classroom video footage, this workshop encourages you to analyze existing theories about how children learn, as well as your own beliefs, and then examine how those beliefs might influence your teaching.

Assessment - (Self-paced with video clips, power point, and activities)
Course Overview-
This workshop answers the questions "Why is Assessment Important?"; "What are Some Types of Assessment?"; and "How Do Rubrics Help?"

Making Family and Community Connections - (Self-paced)
Course Overview-
In this session you will look at ways to create partnerships among schools, parents, and members of the local community.

Teaching to Academic Standards - (Self-paced)
Course Overview-
Two kinds of standards are referred to -- content standards and performance standards.